Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's Official

For those that haven't heard Mark has officially passed Nursing School!! He has been hired as a nurse at Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas in the ER where he has been working. We are so excited, he just has the boards to pass in January and then we can call him a nurse.
Thanks for all your prayers and support for the past three years!


Karryn and Roger said...

so awesome. big huge congrats..

Emily said...

That's so great. Congratulations!

Deanna said...

Congrats!!! We are so excited for you guys! Good luck with the boards and the new job!

Hannah said...

I LOVE THAT!!!!!!! Congratulations!

I remember when Mark was in school at Ricks. In fact, Esther was just commenting how she felt that Mark was more of a brother for her than her own brothers because he was at our house and helping so much! I miss Mark... :(
Can't wait until the next reunion and I will see you all!!!